mandag den 25. april 2016

Sun sun sun, here we come

Can you believe it? The heavy April rain finally vanished and the beautiful sun has finally made its way home - to Dreamfield! As the sun is finding rightful home, so are we. Dreamfield has during the last week become a real home for us with all the comforts one could ask for. The kitchen space in the tent has become so cozy: now we can sit on our little homemade sofa and eat our delicious lunches cooked on the fire or on the stove (wow, the luxury of possibilities) at our little homemade table. Outside, we have made a lovely fire place and nice little rocket stoves, where we can cook - and warm ourselves around - under the incredible night sky. It has been unbelievably magical sitting here the last days seeing the big, orange full moon rising slowly in the horizon! I n c r e d i b l e. 
Today we have cleaned the bamboo canes we have been collecting, digging foundations for the compost loos and removed all the wooden beams of the barn roof. So now the barn is completely roof less and ready for a new, beautiful green roof! We finished our day of working with an amazing yoga session in the wild flowers as the sun was setting. This will be happening weekly on Dreamfield and we cannot wait for you guys to join us in this beauty! 
The stars are shining so bright tonight, we hope they are glowing down on every single one of all of you! Goodnights with love are send from us to you <3

mandag den 18. april 2016

Mission roof

There is nothing better than the feeling of progress! Today we reached our crowdfunding goal! We cannot believe how blessed we have been with all this incredible help from you wonderful beings out there. We thank you with all of our hearts and can't wait to show you the results that will develop from this amazing gift of help you have given us! To celebrate these wonderful news, we spent the day removing all the tiles from the roof of the old barn and clearing the big brumble bushes covering the walls. What great feeling entering a great working flow together and feeling the energy growing! We are going to replace the roof of the old barn with a lovely green roof and make this a wonderful space dedicated to cooking at the festival. Outside the barn, we will make a community area, where people can eat and connect together. It all feels very exciting! Today has been such a beautiful day and the wild flowers are exploding like fireworks across the land - it is a magical feeling being in such fairytale-like surroundings! We can't wait for you guys to join us here.

Warm hugs and gratitude to all of you <3

lørdag den 16. april 2016

Bem beleza!

We have nothing, but we have everything! A toilet has bloomed in the middle of the flower exploding field. A water tank has made itself at home on some cozy pallets. A primitive rocket stove is providing us porridge in the morning, when the rain allows it. Caravans are getting more and more homely and a big table + benches are under construction. Today we have started collecting rocks for the fundament of the coming oven in the pouring rain to the soundtrack of subtle thunder in the distance. The colours are absolutely crazy today! The yellow and purple wild flowers, the gloomy dark clouds, the intense warmth of the sunlight, the tall green grass, the corner of the clean sky and an incredible rainbow glowing over our heads. This rainy day has been extremely beautiful in every little sense of its wetness and glory. Even with a weather forecast that looks rather gloomy, we are with big smiles and great enthusiasm for taking the next steps of Dreamfield.

onsdag den 13. april 2016

Dreamfield - starting from scratch!

Finally! The very first steps of the Dreamfield build-up is being made these days. A little kitchen tent has been put up, the first caravans has arrived, water has been collected from the spring and a toilet structure is under construction. Our feet are shaping the very first paths of Dreamfield, for every step we take and it is a beautiful proces - starting from absolutely scratch. We will keep you updated with more pictures during the next days, as we place the very first toilet structure on the land and much more to come. We can't wait to finally have the land completely ready to move in on. We are not far! If you would like to come help us make all this possible, then please have a look on - we will be so happy to welcome you here as a part of the team!
Lots of love sent to all of you.

onsdag den 6. april 2016

Feira in Coimbra

Thank you all for the support at the market in Coimbra this saturday! It was a beautiful day.
Today we will go to Dreamfield and all the magic will finally begin for real. We can't wait to keep you updated! Enjoy the sun <3